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Secret Lair "20 Ways To Win" Decklist Fully Revealed

20 Ways To Win acts as coherently as it can to provide diverse victories. However, there may be a perceived issue with what the Secret Lair offers.

Keeping It Simple: The One-Word Cards of 2024

Nick Wolf combs through the new releases of 2024 to discuss a quirk of Magic card naming conventions: the one-word card.

Am I The Bolas? - The Goldilocks Problem

How much ramp is too much ramp? Is there anything an average EDH pod can do about ridiculous amounts of mana?

Legends Legends - Chromium

Rather than another forcing blockers, today we'll be looking at a Chromium Commander deck themed around clones and shapeshifters.

Pioneer Masters: A First Look At An Arena-Only Release

Pioneer Masters is geared to revolutionize the way players on Arena think about the format. Let's take a closer look at some of the cards!

Alesha, Who Laughs at Fate "Live. Laugh. Reanimate" - Plot Twist #23

This week on Plot Twist, Jeff builds a Rakdos dredge-voltron deck to supercharge Alesha, Who Laughs at Fate.

Wizards of the Coast Threatens to Release Universes Beyond: Skibidi Toilet if Demands Aren't Met

In a scathing press release, Wizards of the Coast announced that a Skibidi Toilet-themed Universes Beyond product has been developed.

Pauper Commander - Poison-Tip Archer

Alejandro builds a pauper EDH deck inspired by the basic cycle of life and death with the help of Poison-Tip Archer.

Five Politicking Lessons for cEDH

Unlike every other competitive Magic format, cEDH has a major political element. So how do you convince your opponents to act against their own interests?

Best Rakdos Commanders of 2024

Landon Crispens goes over the best new Rakdos commanders printed in 2024. If you love red and you love black, these are the commanders for you!

Mono-White Soul Sisters | $100 Budget Deck | Qala, Ajani's Pridemate

If you like one mana white creatures and gaining more life than you know what to do with, try this budget Commander life gain deck tech!

Everyone That Bought Same Secret Lair As You Got Better Bonus Card

Stoked with your Secret Lair? Recent reports suggest that everyone else who got the same Secret Lair got a much better bonus card.

Innistrad Remastered: A First Look At Spooky New Reprints

Want to take a look at Innistrad Remastered, the next expansion set for Magic: The Gathering? It's up coming fast, so here's a look at the set!

Legends Legends - Rohgahh of Kher Keep

What does a modern-day Kobolds deck look like, and how can we mix it with Dragon spells to become an actual threat on the board?

Magic: The Glossary - Foundations

It's time to hit the books with Nick Wolf for another entry of Magic: The Glossary, for a deep dive into the words that make up Foundations.

Legends Legends - Ragnar

Remember the regenerate mechanic? Jeff Dunn sure does. Try this regeneration focused Commander deck helmed by Ragnar from Legends!

Am I The Bolas? - Tactical Resignation

Is conceding a game for the sake of helping or hurting other players fair game? Mike Carrozza weighs in on political resignations.

Rethinking Tournament cEDH

Playing in a cEDH tournament can be a peak form of The Gathering... or it can be miserable. Ken Baumann examines how cEDH tournaments could work.

Secret Lair Deck "20 Ways To Win" Teased By Wizards Of The Coast

On Monday, November 18th, Wizards of the Coast discretely teased the "20 Ways To Win" preconstructed Secret Lair deck.

Coolest Motherf@#&er On The Planet Owns Multiple Serialized #69 Magic Cards

Is there anything cooler and funnier than the number 69? Local cool guy Walt Flitsam spent a small fortune on the joke that just doesn't get old.

Rookie Roadmap: How to Play with Magic Foundations

Is Foundations your introduction to Magic: The Gathering? Let Ben Doolittle teach you how Magic works!

Which Hare Apparent Commander is Best? A Complete Guide to Hare Apparent in Commander

Ever wondered which the best commander for an Hare Apparent Commander deck is? Michael Celani has your answer!

Pauper Commander - Tori D'Avenant, Fury Rider

Alejandro builds a Pauper Commander deck around an anthem in the command zone with the help of Tori D'Avenant, Fury Rider.

Winter, Misanthropic Guide Deck Tech

Want to control your opponents by making them discard cards? Try this Winter, Misanthropic Guide deck from Unsummoned Skull!

How Fun Are The Foundation Commanders?

How fun are the Foundations commanders? Benjamin Levin breaks down all the new commanders from Foundations!

Legends Legends - Princess Lucrezia

Ever wanted a Dimir mana dork? Well for the bargain bin price of six whole mana, Princess Lucrezia is your answer!

An Analysis of Simic Archetypes

What kind of draft archetypes have blue green decks had over the years? Ciel Collins investigates Simic in the final archetype analysis!

Foundations Set Review - Reprints, Part 2

Nick Wolf closes out his look at the reprints of Foundations by sifting through the hundreds of rares to find the gems of the set.