How do you deal with wealthy opponents? In other words, are you the Bolas for feeling frustrated with losing to an expensive collection?
How do you deal with wealthy opponents? In other words, are you the Bolas for feeling frustrated with losing to an expensive collection?
Lying in cEDH has been the talk of the town since a recent tournament controversy. Is it unforgivable or just another part of the game?
Is not wanting play across from Optimus Prime, Hero any different from not wanting to play against certain archetypes?
(Void Mirror |Illustrated by Colin Boyer) Hello, and welcome to Am I the Bolas? This column is for all of you out there who have ever played some Magic and wondered if you were the bad guy. I'm here to take in…
What do you do when you already know you're the Bolas and you're wishing you'd played a different deck or acted differently?
There's no question that a Commander player who screams at their opponents is the Bolas, but how should you deal with someone like that?
A torn up serialized Godless Shrine is just the latest major casualty in the phenomenon known colloquially as "Flip It Or Rip It".
Have you ever seen someone get a bit too worked up about a Myra the Magnificent deck? Do people overreact to Unfinity commanders?
Planeswalkers: once Magic’s most exciting card type and exclusively found in the mythic rare slot, now relegated to a single card per set.
Blowing up lands in a game of Commander is usually frowned upon, but how do you feel about blowing up mana rocks?
AI art is a highly divisive subject in this day and age, and Wizards of the Coast is making it a huge issue for themselves by using it.
Are combo decks automatically high powered and pushing into Bolas territory? Or is it the speed of the win condition that matters?
What's the best art in Magic: the Gathering in 2023? Our resident art expert Aaron has his picks here.
Wondering what your favorite MTG artists' favorite art was for 2023? Find out in our exclusive year-end interviews!
Cal gives us the answers to your cEDH dilemmas from proxy usage, underused archetypes, and dealing with Dockside Extortionist at the micro and macro decision level.
How do you feel about goad? Can too much forced combat end up feeling frustrating and grow tiresome?
What were your picks for the best commanders of 2023? Benjamin Levin shares his top ten list.
Stax decks are one thing, but what about stax decks that shut down one player and one player alone?
Have you noticed the striking poses and gestures in the art from The Lost Caverns of Ixalan?
What do you do when you draw a hand so good that you know you're going to steamroll the entire table?
For everything great about cEDH, there's no denying that cheating is becoming a serious problem, particularly in webcam tournaments.
Every playgroup and player approaches missed triggers differently, but is it important to maintain a consistent policy?
If your playgroup always treats you like the biggest threat at the table, is there anything wrong with living up to the archenemy reputation?
They keep catering to this casual format, when they should be catering to literally nobody. That's how they made the Reserved List, and that's how they should make everything.
How do you feel about a player tutoring for a winning combo when they've decided the game has gone long enough already?
What do you think of stax decks in casual Commander? How about stax decks that don't actually have a win condition?
Is holding back and letting someone have a better game always the right move? What if they take it as proof of their own genius?
Anthony Burchett posits a strategy to help you win more games of Magic. A radical new strategy, he calls it "Empathy."