What happens when your issue isn't the deck, the format, or the game, but one specific player giving you grief?
What happens when your issue isn't the deck, the format, or the game, but one specific player giving you grief?
Is land destruction always a hard no in your playgroup? Do you have different rules for mass land destruction and targeted land destruction?
Lots of Commander groups have their own house rules, but what happens when a player starts taking advantage of those house rules?
Should you rewind on a misplay and act like the optimal play went ahead or is it better to play the game as it actually happened?
Fan of Oko? Smokestack? Armageddon? How do you deal with players that would really rather not play against infamously hated cards?
Are you the Bolas if you include cards that let you lose on purpose in order to concede at instant speed without the usual connotations?
Does going for early lethal with commander damage against one player and leaving the other two players untouched make you the Bolas?
What do you if the rest of the pod is enjoying playing powerful fast mana and you're not? Would it make you the Bolas?
If you decide on a higher power game to finish the night, how important is the pre-game discussion? How do you handle different definitions of high power?
Whose job is it to track commander damage? Is it the player who deals the damage or the player who receives it?
Get an insider look into player's minds during some historic moments in Magic from 2023.
Should you cater your Commander games to Mr. Solitaire Combo or the whole group? How important are good vibes to the satisfaction of all players?
If you give some players an inch, they'll take a mile. Does that make them the Bolas? Mike Carrozza weighs in on making and "breaking" deals.
Sometimes you don't need to ask. Some people are actually worse than Bolas.
You've built a new Commander deck and you're excited to play. But what if that deck is too toxic to play? Mike answers a difficult question.
Magic is always a social game, but when does it go too far? Mike examines a reader's difficult situation and offers some insight.
Are board wipes fair game in EDH or something better avoided? Mike tackles the question after it came up in a recent webcam Commander game!
Playing Commander comes with its own set of sometimes tricky interactions, which is why we have Am I The Bolas?
Does it make someone the Bolas to reveal cards to an opponent who hasn't seen them, or should you keep it to yourself?
The classic question of how much combo is too much combo in Commander. Does any infinite combo make you the Bolas?
Are you the Bolas for attacking a player who was wide open? Should you pull your punches? Mike talks it out.
Does playing politics at the table to counter a spell make you the Bolas? Mike weighs in on a reader question.
How do you handle a situation where one player gravely misjudges the table around them? Mike tackles the difficult question posed today.
If a group doesn't like losing to a deck in the playgroup, should you take the deck apart? Mike tackles that question from a reader today!
"Kingmaking" is one of the most contentious parts of an EDH game, and today Mike tackles the subject when a reader shares a tough call!
Are there times when you just cannot take part anymore and have to put your foot down? Mike tackles the question posed by a reader.
The etiquette surrounding EDH can be as tricky as the games themselves - what is going too far when it comes to making suggestions?
What's the etiquette when it comes to respecting the cards your opponents are playing? That's the question posed in today's Am I the Bolas?