Alejandro further explores the top of the pEDH meta by dissecting a Tatyova, Benthic Druid landfall deck.
Alejandro further explores the top of the pEDH meta by dissecting a Tatyova, Benthic Druid landfall deck.
Alejandro builds a deck around a commander that's been put in charge of the wrong deck a few too many times, Azra Oddsmaker.
Alejandro builds a madness deck that makes a massive army, using Lazotep Chancellor as it's pauper commander!
Alejandro cooks up a pot of every pauper combo he could fit in a Rocco, Cabaretti Caterer deck.
Alejandro uses Commander Spellbook to create a pauper combo deck with Abdel Adrian that can win in the blink of an eye!
Alejandro experiments with how the pace of a Pauper deck's game plan effects it's success. Is going as fast as possible the best way to win?
Alejandro builds a pauper deck around a mysterious figure, Lazav, Familiar Stranger. Can these commons slink their way to victory?
Is there life on Mars? Check out this double-duty deck tech for Iraxxa, Empress of Mars from Doctor Who. We've got both EDH and PDH covered!
Alejandro review the uncommons and commons from Wilds of Eldraine in the hopes of finding some hidden gems. And you can bet he succeeds!
Alejandro Fuentes rethinks how to build Slivers with this unique pauper EDH deck.